Submitted by New Jersey Bankruptcy Lawyer, Lee M. Perlman. You might be saying “that is all well and good, but what happens when the defendant in a personal injury action files for bankruptcy?” What do you do? The simple answer is STOP everything. When a debtor files for bankruptcy they gain the protection of the automatic […]
Bankruptcy Is a Big Risk for Unmarried Couples Who Split Up
Submitted by New Jersey Bankruptcy Lawyer, Lee M. Perlman. An unfortunate truth is that when someone is injured in an accident, they are almost always going to be suffering a financial hardship on top of their injuries. For this reason, you confirm the bankruptcy status of your client. Are they in an active bankruptcy? Are […]
Lee Perlman in South Jersey Magazine’s “Ask the Experts”
What are some of the most common myths about the bankruptcy process? Myth One: Filing bankruptcy is a personal failure The Truth: Most bankruptcies are a result of financial distress beyond the individual’s control. With foreclosures, evictions, and financial distress directly related to the pandemic, more people need a financial fresh start. Myth Two: Both […]
What do Bankruptcy and Taxes have in common?
It’s tax season again and that leads us to the inevitable array of questions about what happens to your tax refund if you have, or are thinking about, filing for bankruptcy. Many people rely on their tax refund to cover large expenses. Someone who is in bankruptcy, or is thinking about it, doubtlessly wants to […]
Student Loan Dischargeability
Can Your Student Loan Debts be Discharged in Bankruptcy? As of March 2020, federal student loan payments were paused due to the COVID-19 pandemic. President Biden recently extended the pause for an additional 90 days– it is now set to expire on May 1, 2022. Many of us are taught that to secure a financially […]
What you need to know right now about the expiration of the national eviction ban
The eviction ban that was first put in place by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention back in September 2020 is set to expire on June 30th. As of this writing it has not been extended. There are still so many people who are struggling with Covid infections and death. The financial catastrophe that many are facing […]
Bankruptcy after Mortgage Forbearance and Moratoriums
For many people, the Covid-19 pandemic created an unprecedented financial sinking ship. But there are ways to get back on dry land. The government has thrown out lifelines specifically aimed at keeping people in their homes. The two most used by consumers in Covid created financial deep water are mortgage forbearance, and a moratorium on […]
Marrying Consumer Protection With Bankruptcy Practice
Published in New Jersey Law Journal February 15, 2020 In this unique moment in time, bankruptcy practitioners and consumer protection counsel can, and should, work together and use their concerted expertise to move beyond the discharge. By Joshua Denbeaux, Lee M. Perlman and Heidi Spivak | February 11, 2021 at 12:00 PM With 2020, with its […]
Many people think that the act of filing bankruptcy will affirmatively prevent them from re-establishing their credit; that their life, in essence, is over, but this could be further from the truth, and, in fact, the opposite is true. A bankruptcy will not prevent you from obtaining new credit following a bankruptcy discharge. In the […]
Waiting Too Long to File Bankruptcy Could Leave You Stuck in the Financial Sweatbox
One year ago, the words “Covid-19” began to trickle into the nightly news. No one could have foreseen that “Covid-19” would quickly become synonymous with “global pandemic” or that it would devastate so many ordinary Americans. Our health, safety and welfare has been turned upside down. The impact cannot be minimized as Covid-19 has touched […]