1. “We’re just waiting for you to screw up.” Many things can bump your credit card interest rate into the red zone, but nothing faster than what’s called “universal default.” You can make all your credit card payments religiously and for a long time, but fall behind on your electric bill and, suddenly, you’re a […]
Faulting Credit Firms on Fixing Errors
New Jersey bankruptcy Article The New York Times By BOB TEDESCHI Published: February 6, 2009 MANY consumers are unaware what their credit score is until it’s time to apply for a home mortgage, but by then it is often too late to fix any mistakes that they might uncover in their credit reports. A new […]
Amazing whistle blowing video by former employees of credit card companies
Student Loans. Restore Bankruptcy Fresh Start
To the Editor: It is time to restore fairness to the bankruptcy system and allow government and private student loan borrowers the same bankruptcy protections as consumers with other types of unsecured debt now. Accounts of alleged abuse of the bankruptcy system by student loan borrowers were never really well substantiated. Regardless, the new bankruptcy […]
Why should companies that extend credit to somebody who’s already drowning in debt benefit in bankruptcy court? Let ’em take their lumps.
New Jersey bankruptcy Article The bankruptcy-reform law of two years ago should be renamed the Drive More People Into Bankruptcy Act of 2005. As you probably know, the law sent bankruptcy cases to record highs that year, as nearly 2 million people rushed to file before tough new restrictions went into effect. But the law […]
Prisoners of Debt: A fresh start with bankruptcy?
New Jersey bankruptcy Article Business Week Top News November 1, 2007 Big lenders keep squeezing money out of consumers whose debts were canceled by the courts by Robert Berner and Brian Grow In a financial version of Night of the Living Dead, debts forgiven by bankruptcy courts are springing back to life to haunt consumers. […]
Avoiding Foreclosure
New Jersey bankruptcy Article THE NEW YORK TIMES March 31, 2007 Homeowners, Call Your Bankers Before They Call You By DAMON DARLIN The day of reckoning is near for millions of homeowners who financed their dream house by taking out an adjustable-rate mortgage. Rates are resetting higher, and in some cases, the monthly mortgage payments […]
What you need to know about medical debt and your health insurance
New Jersey bankruptcy Article Tuesday, January 02, 2007 MEDICAL DEBTS – MY INSURANCE WAS SUPPOSED TO PAY THAT A large portion of my debt collection practice is made up of the collection of past due medical bills. Unfortunately, the vast majority of the people I end up suing for past due medical bills are not […]
Protectors, Too, Gather Profits From ID Theft
New Jersey bankruptcy Article By Eric Dash Published: December 12, 2006 Melody Millett was shocked when her car loan company asked her if she was the wife of Abundio Perez, who had applied for 26 credit cards, financed several cars and taken out a home mortgage using a Social Security number belonging to her actual […]
Please Turn To Chapter 7: Still? Still.
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