Student loan debt in the United States has reached a staggering $1.7 trillion, leaving millions of borrowers struggling to make payments and manage their finances. You are not alone if you or someone you know is facing the burden of student loan debt. The good news is that, for the first time in many years, […]
Debunking the Myth: Will You Lose Everything in Bankruptcy?
One of the biggest misconceptions about bankruptcy is the fear that you will lose everything you own. Many believe filing for bankruptcy means their possessions will be sold to pay off creditors, especially when they read about the “liquidation” process. This false belief can scare people away from seeking the relief they deserve during financial […]
Debunking the Myth: Will You Lose Everything in Bankruptcy?
One of the biggest misconceptions about bankruptcy is the fear that you will lose everything you own. Many believe filing for bankruptcy means their possessions will be sold to pay off creditors, especially when they read about the “liquidation” process. This false belief can scare people away from seeking the relief they deserve during financial […]
Filing Bankruptcy Individually: Can One Spouse File Without the Other?
Are you considering filing bankruptcy individually without your spouse? When managing finances, most married couples are used to making decisions together. Many financial matters are handled jointly, whether budgeting, saving for retirement, or taking out loans. But when it comes to filing for bankruptcy, did you know that one spouse can file independently without involving […]
What Happens to My Assets in Bankruptcy?
Worrying about what happens to assets in bankruptcy is common. Filing for bankruptcy can be daunting, especially when you are not sure what will happen to your assets. If you are considering filing for bankruptcy protection, understanding the intricacies of the bankruptcy process is crucial. This blog post will demystify what happens to your assets […]
Avoiding Tax Liability on Short Sales and Foreclosures
Insolvency can leave a homeowner with little hope and few options of ever meeting their financial obligations to their lenders. Given the ongoing foreclosure crisis in North Jersey, it may be appropriate to mention two avenues in which lenders and homeowners can deal with the populaces increasing inability to pay off their debts. Two methods […]
My observations from my recent FDCPA (Fair Debt and Collection Practices Act) conference in Baltimore
I have just returned from the FDCPA Fair Debt Collections Practices Act Seminar sponsored by NACA, The National Association of Consumer Attorneys in Baltimore. I also got to enjoy the Inner Harbor a bit, even with the brisk weather! As many of you know, there is truly no love lost in New Jersey, or nationally, […]
Nicolas Pedone, Our Newest Associate
I am pleased to announce that Nicolas Pedone has joined our firm as our newest associate. My team welcomes him to the office. I have included his bio here. Nicolas B. Pedone is a graduate of Rutgers University School of Law – Camden and is licensed to practice law in New Jersey, Pennsylvania and […]