Submitted by New Jersey Bankruptcy Lawyer, Lee M. Perlman A recent study from finance company Northwestern Mutual shows the average American now has $38,000 in debt, not including mortgages. Buzz60’s Sean Dowling has more. Buzz60 Originally published here by
7 Ways Parents Can Help Children Escape Debt
Like most people, I wasn’t born with a silver or gold spoon in my mouth. And I didn’t get everything I wanted with a “snap of my fingers.” In fact, it was Christmas 1979 that my dad was laid off from his job in the auto industry. He was laid off for seven and half […]
In Debt and Digging Deeper | Managing Debt
Life in the Red A Time to Fight: Faced with the foreclosure of her home, Detroit resident LaKeisha Tuggle devised creative solutions to weather economic hardship. DETROIT — The belt-tightening was the easy part. Cancel the cable. Skip the air conditioners. Ration the cellphone, unplug the wireless Internet, cook rice and beans — done, and […]